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Scott Reads It!

I blog over at Scott Reads It! I'm a reader, a writer, a blogger, and a humanitarian. I'm prone to fanboying about the latest nerdy films and books on a consistent basis! I'm nerdy and I know it.

A Mutiny in Time (Infinity Ring Series #1)

A Mutiny in Time - James Dashner Check out my other reviews I'm a huge fan of James Dashner so it's no surprise that I decided to read A Mutiny In Time, book 1 of the Infinity Ring series. Infinity Ring follows in the footsteps of The 39 Series with the same concept that a different author writes each book in the series. I have read the first two books in The 39 Clues series and I don't really have any interest in continuing that series. I'm happy to say that I enjoyed A Mutiny In Time so much better than The 39 Clues books (James Dashner may be part of the reason why!). In such a short book, James Dashner establishes an extremely interesting world that is essentially a dystopian society. I love how Dashner connected the dystopian setting to the theory of time travel. There really isn't anything groundbreaking in this book but it's definitely extremely entertaining and a whole lot of fun. The characters in A Mutiny In Time weren't developed as much as I would have liked but I guess it's pretty excusable. This book is pretty short and I just hope that in upcoming books, the characters are explored more. I did like reading about Dak and Sera's odd relationship because it was extremely unique. The dialogue in A Mutiny In Time is extremely realistic, well written, and humorous. I think young readers will love A Mutiny In Time because it's fun. Kids will enjoy how Chris Columbus isn't just some dead dude and that he is an actual character in this book. Even though this is a historical fiction novel, not much of this book is actually factual. (I wish time travel was possible though!) I'm interested to see how the next book, Divide And Conquer by Carrie Ryan compares to this book. I don't much about vikings so it'll be interesting to see Ryan explores that topic.