Check out Scott Reads It! for reviews, giveaways, & more! I'm not a fangirl, I have never read or written fanfiction--yet I feel like Rainbow Rowell understands who I truly am. Rowell knows what being an introvert is like and she seaminglessly translate all of the awkwardness and beauty in Fangirl. Few authors can capture such raw and powerful feeling like Rowell can; Rainbow Rowell is definitely the Queen Of Contemporary Fic. Have you ever fallen in love with fiction? Have you ever felt more attached to fictional characters than acquaintances in real life? Have you ever read a book and had an unbearable urge to share your love with everyone you know? Would you rather live in fictional worlds than in reality? Do you like to escape from the world in fiction?If you answered yes to any of the above questions then Fangirl is the perfect book for you. You know who you are, be proud of your introverted nature! Some readers won't really understand Cath's decisions and actions, but most introverts will be able to relate to Cath. Cath would rather live in Simon Snow's fictional world rather than deal with her life in college. I completely understood the feelings of wanting to escape from life and immerse myself in fiction. I read to escape; when I read a book, I want to escape from reality and forget all of my problems. Cath needs Simon Snow to put off confronting her sister and dad, and her miserable (lack of a) social life. I have felt like this multiple times in life, whether it was in High School or at a different point in life, it doesn't matter. I know Cath, there is a large part of me that is still Cath, escaping reality online and in fiction. Cath is a character that is so rich and developed, there is just so much more to her than people see. After reading E&P, I discovered that Rowell writes the most intricate, realistic characters I've ever read and Fangirl is no exception. Some people are just going to dismiss Fangirl as a "chick-lit romance" but it's really more than meets the eye. Fangirl is a coming of age tale about coping with reality and balancing life. This may be shelved on Goodreads as "Chick-Lit" but I believe it can be enjoyed by both male and female readers alike. Cath's journey throughout her Freshman year of college is not one to be missed. Rainbow Rowell has quickly become one of my favorite authors and she is quickly becoming a fan favorite on Goodreads. It's easy to see why Rowell is a popular author when you read Fangirl. Rowell's writing is simple, yet poignant and beautiful; every sentence seems to be crafted with power. There are no frivolous sentences in Rowell's books, every sentence, every word is essential in bringing about a larger panorama. The dialogue is filled with sweet and humorous moments that is not only realistic, but also well-written. I really love who Rowell includes unconventional characters; whether it be PoCs, introverts, or overweight characters. Rowell is bringing more diversity to the literary world and I think it's just what more books need.The romance in Fangirl is sweet, well written, and moves at a reasonable pace. Fangirls will definitely swoon over Levi and his relationship with Cath. The romance takes up a decent portion of the 2nd halfish of the book and was absolutely superb. I'm very picky when I read romance in novels but Rowell writes the exact kind of romance that I love. Fangirl has the kind of romance that gives you that warm, tingly butterfly feeling in your stomach, the kind that comes with first love. Reading Rowell's books will make readers fall in love all over again and rediscover who they are.Fangirl has captured my heart and I hope it continues to strike a chord with readers across the globe. This is definitely one of the best contemporary novels I have read and probably will ever read. Rainbow Rowell books hold a special place in my heart and on my bookshelf. Rowell understands her readers and it has never been more evident than in Fangirl, my love for this book is boundless.