Find this review at Scott Reads It"For thousands of years in Range, a million souls have been reincarnated over and over, keeping their memories and experiences from previous lifetimes. When Ana was born, another soul vanished, and no one knows why." Sometimes when you really like a book it's hard to write a review. It's much easier to write a review for a book you simply hated with a burning passion. I was tempted at first to give Incarnate 4 glowing stars for it's originality and creative plot and world building. The more I thought about it, the more I agreed that it wasn't 4 stars but very close. Incarnate is a book that I had heard a lot about and I was very excited to read it. When I found out that a library in my county owned a copy, I just had to request it. I had seen mixed reviews for this book, many glorified it, while others despised it. I am pretty much on the border for Incarnate. Incarnate is an enchanting story of a girl named Ana born in a world where souls reincarnate over and over for thousands of years. Ana was born and replaced another soul which had never happened before. Some people thought she was a nosoul, a plague upon people, like her mother, Li. Others called Ana a newsoul, a source of good and happiness in the world. Ana goes to the city of Heart where she faces slyphs (shadow creatures), dragons, and true love. I really liked the world Meadows created because it was very different. It didn't take place in a dystopian society or some small town but in an utopian society. Heart seems to be an extraordinary place thanks to Meadow's vivid and fascinating descriptions. I thought the idea of the slyphs which are shadow creatures that burn people was a great idea. I also loved the inclusion of dragons in this book and they really added some action to the story. One of my complaints is that Meadows mentioned Centaurs and Trolls several times yet they never make an appearance not even once in the book. I really hope in Asunder and the third book in the series we get some epic Troll or Centaur scenes. The plot of Incarnate was something different and new to me. The pages really flew by while reading this book and with all those plot twists I cringed a bit My biggest complaint about the plot is the lack of action in so many sections of the book. So many sections are just romantic scenes and lots of dialogue. I really need a book with tons of action and adventure! The action scenes in Incarnate were well written and exciting but I wish this book had more of them. Incarnate has tons of romance and magical scenes but not enough action scenes. I really loved every second a dragon or Sylph appeared in the text but I wish Meadows included Trolls and Centaurs like she mentioned. Incarnate was a pretty quick and original read that I devoured eagerly. Most readers will love Incarnate and I definitely do recommend it. I will read Asunder as soon I get the book and I got my fingers crossed for trolls and centaurs! This book is recommended for fans of What's Left of Me by Kat Zhang and The Host by Stephenie Meyer. If you have read Incarnate and you need a book to read, definitely read The Host!