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Scott Reads It!

I blog over at Scott Reads It! I'm a reader, a writer, a blogger, and a humanitarian. I'm prone to fanboying about the latest nerdy films and books on a consistent basis! I'm nerdy and I know it.

Crown of Midnight (Throne of Glass)

Crown of Midnight - Sarah J. Maas Check out Scott Reads It! for reviews, giveaways, & more! I loved Throne Of Glass so much that I had to read Crown Of Midnight ASAP. Crown Of Midnight is an excellent followup to Throne Of Glass, but I wasn't 100% into the book. This is NOT Crown Of Midnight's fault nor is it Maas's fault, I was in a reading slump so that really marred my experience of reading CoM. I have a feeling that I'm going to need to re-read CoM before the 3rd book releases due to my self-inflicted, poor reading experience.Crown Of Midnight is an epic, high-stakes, action-packed sequeled and is filled with scenes that will fill readers with adrenaline. Each page thrums with heart pounding actions and terrific dialogue that really showcases Maas's talent. The dialogue is humorous, and undeniably clever; Maas writes some of the best dialogue I have read in YA for sure. The romance in Crown Of Midnight is top-notch and I can't believe how often I flip flopped between loving Chaol or Dorian. After book #1, I was 100% Team Chaol but CoM messed with my mind so much. One page I was annoyed by Dorian and rooting for Chaol and in the next moment my opinion shifted so radically. It takes skill to manipulate a reader so effectively and Maas proves herself completely with the romance. That has to be one of the strangest compliments I have ever given an author. I have only love for Celaena and I completely love what Maas did with her character arc. I loved watching Celaena interacting with both old and new characters. I just love everything about Cel, whether it be her humor, her kick-ass attitude, or her insecurities. It really doesn't matter because I'm completely invested in Celaena's character and she is definitely one of my book girlfriends. Don't judge me--guys can totally have book girlfriends, if female readers can have fictional beaus.Reading Crown Of Midnight is a must for fans of Kristin Cashore and R.L. LaFevers. This is one of the few sequels that is just as amazing as it's predecessor. The last quarter of this book was absolute perfection and the ending made me tear up. Honestly that ending is absolutely cruel and yet so well done--it's just too much for me. Crown Of Midnight ends on a cliffhanger that will make you lust for the sequel desperately. This is a book you won't want to miss out on!