Check out Scott Reads It! for reviews, giveaways, & more! Steelheart was definitely one of my most anticipated books of 2013 by far. I mean c'mon, who doesn't love superheroes? Anyway Steelheart is as amazing as I imagined it would be, if not better. Steelheart is a book that is super in just every possible way. Steelheart will make your heart pound, it will make you squee with delight, and most importantly it will make yearn the sequel. This is definitely one of the best YA novels I've read recently to say the least.I wasn't feeling the major love towards Steelheart when I initially because for some reason it wasn't really clicking with me. I decided to restart it a few days later and it was the perfect book for the occasion. I desperately needed to know what would happen next and I tried to read Steelheart whenever I had the chance. I was completely and utterly addicted to Steelheart, this is the YA novel I've been waiting for so long. I remember saying in the past that I need a YA superhero novel and woah, Steelheart is that book.The superheroes aren't so super after all, these superheroes are called Epics, and they have enslaved the human population. These superheroes are terrifying and yet I couldn't stop geeking out and gloating over them. I love how Sanderson focuses so much on villains in Steelheart, because this is a perspective we usually do not see in the media. Super heroes are always the one saving damsels in distresses and it was awesome to see them causing havoc for a change.I can definitely see why Sanderson's books have become extremely popular with readers across the globe. Sanderson knows how to craft an addicting story with just enough humor, suspense, and action. There is truly never a dull moment in Steelheart and I was extremely invested in the story.David is just the sort of protagonist I can relate to because in many ways he's very similar to me personality wise. He's extremely awkward, nerdy, and he isn't the best at handling situations with the opposite sex. David is very passionate about known everything about the Epics and I really admired his determination to learn every little detail about them. David tries to make comparisons to describe situations, but most of the time they were off-kilter and made me laugh. YA really needs more unconventional characters like David!Steelheart has one of the best beginnings I've read to date because it catches readers' attention immediately. Once you start Steelheart, there's no letting it go. This is the kind of book that will make laundry and chores pile up in your house until you finish. Steelheart is just what I needed to read and it definitely delivered. If Sanderson's other books are as epic as Steelheart, I'll definitely have a new favorite author.