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Scott Reads It!

I blog over at Scott Reads It! I'm a reader, a writer, a blogger, and a humanitarian. I'm prone to fanboying about the latest nerdy films and books on a consistent basis! I'm nerdy and I know it.

Darth Vader and Son (Star Wars (Chronicle))

Darth Vader and Son - Jeffrey Brown Seen at Scott Reads It I was perusing the Goodreads Choice Awards nominees when I came up on Darth Vader and Son. I am not a hardcore Star Wars fanboy but I do really love the Star Wars universe. I knew once I set eyes on this book that I would love it and so I requested it from the library. Once I came home I devoured it in minutes and Darth Vader and Son was pretty mindblowing. Darth Vader and Son is a funny graphic novel that shows Darth Vader raising 4 year old Luke Skywalker. It isn't funny that you will laugh out loud for hours straight but it will make you chuckle and smile alot. If you're a Star Wars fan, you'll really appreciate this slim but sweet story. Even if you're not a Star Wars fan, I think you will without a doubt enjoy this book. I really can't wait for the new Star Wars movies and Jeffrey Brown made me even more excited.