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Scott Reads It!

I blog over at Scott Reads It! I'm a reader, a writer, a blogger, and a humanitarian. I'm prone to fanboying about the latest nerdy films and books on a consistent basis! I'm nerdy and I know it.

The Divinity of Dogs: True Stories of Miracles Inspired by Man's Best Friend

The Divinity of Dogs: True Stories of Miracles Inspired by Man's Best Friend - Jennifer Skiff Scott Reads It!Actual Rating: 3.5 Stars For a couple of months all I wanted was a dog and I wouldn't stop begging for one. My parents made a deal with me that if the allergist said I wasn't allergic too dogs, I could get one. The allergist said I was allergic to both dogs and cats and my dreams were crushed. Besides wanting to get a dog, I had also dreamed of being a Veterinarian. [A simple solution to my allergy, would have been to get a hypoallergenic dog - a dog that doesn't shed]. I requested an ARC of Edelweiss because I was looking for something inspiring and fascinating. The Divinity Of Dogs is an anthology of stories from amateurs about the miraculous nature of dogs. The Divinity Of Dogs was truly a fascinating anthology! I enjoyed the majority of the stories about "Man's Best-friend". One of the stories I really enjoyed was how a dog alerted a woman that she had a tumor. The stories that I enjoyed were extremely fascinating and I just wished they were longer. So many of the stories in these anthologies were truly touching and emotional. The stories that told of how dogs helped kids with special needs were utterly amazing and left me speechless. I never really knew the extent of how powerful dogs could really be until I read this anthology. Most of the stories in this anthology are well-written, but a few were extremely amateurish. Some of these stories weren't very miraculous at all and just entailed stories about owners who love their dogs. I get that you love your dog, but is a story praising your ordinary dog necessary in an anthology called "The Divinity of Dogs". I think these stories probably should have been cut because they were frivolous, and repetitive. Another thing that definitely annoyed me was the lack of capitalization in this anthology. You would think that Simon & Schuster send ARCs with proper capitalization. If you're a dog aficionado, this is a book you definitely won't want to miss! I would like to thank Jennifer Skiff for showing me how divine dogs truly are. I just wish some of the stories in the beginning were cut from this anthology. Despite it's faults I definitely enjoyed reading The Divinity of Dogs!