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Scott Reads It!

I blog over at Scott Reads It! I'm a reader, a writer, a blogger, and a humanitarian. I'm prone to fanboying about the latest nerdy films and books on a consistent basis! I'm nerdy and I know it.

Goodreads decided to "apologize" finally!

Read Goodreads' terrible apology


Goodreads' apology is just a lame effort to combat all of the backfire they received last week. It doesn't feel sincere and it really hasn't solved much at all, they will still delete author-related shelves and reviews. The fact that they are sending the 21 their content back does make me happy, but it feels arbitrary. The damage has already been done and the salt has been poured onto the wound. I'm still 100% Booklikes and this announcement hasn't made me want to switch back at all.