I blog over at Scott Reads It! I'm a reader, a writer, a blogger, and a humanitarian. I'm prone to fanboying about the latest nerdy films and books on a consistent basis! I'm nerdy and I know it.
Recently, I reviewed Red Hill by Jamie McGuire as part of the book's blog tour , and I had written a honest review that conveyed to readers that I liked it, but I did have some qualms with the book. Jamie McGuire tweeted me and she addressed my review in an appropriate, respectable manner and she was also so nice! Then, I was reminded by a friend how she had attacked bloggers multiple times for disliking Beautiful Disaster. Had McGuire turned over a new leaf and decided not to take negative reviews personally--I like to think so, but you never know.
I honestly never planned on reading this because reviewers I trust have indicated that I wouldn't like this book. Recently I was asked to be on the Redhill blog tour, and I agreed to do it because it sounded like an interesting book. I wrote a honest review that conveyed to readers that I liked it, but I did have some qualms with the book. Jamie McGuire tweeted me and she addressed my review in an appropriate, respectable manner and she was also so nice! She explained to me why she had included a section in a book that I found 'icky and unnecessary' and how it had seemed appropriate after doing some research. This is how authors SHOULD handle criticism and it pleases me that such a renowned author was so appreciative of my slightly ambivalent review.
It's really awesome to see an author who is so considerate to readers, someone who understands that readers are allowed to have different opinions. Someone who doesn't attack readers who don't post only 5 star reviews for their book.
Let this be a lesson to all authors, misbehaving gets you nowhere, so why not actually encourage people to read your book by being considerate! I will definitely try to squeeze in Beautiful Disaster ASAP :)
The Evidence:
@ScottReadsIt Your review was honest and I get your feelings about that scene. I just wanted you to know it honestly was not gratuitous.
— Jamie McGuire (@JamieMcGuire_) October 12, 2013
@ScottReadsIt Great review! Regarding your concern, unfortunately the worst humans survive disasters. When orphans are commonplace in those
— Jamie McGuire (@JamieMcGuire_) October 12, 2013
@ScottReadsIt ...situations, & though it's difficult to read (& write) about, it happens. I did a lot of research on the Tsunami aftermath.
— Jamie McGuire (@JamieMcGuire_) October 12, 2013
I'm finally finished it, it only took forever! Get it, haha? Anyway, I wasn't a fan of the ending at all." —
~64%: I love this book so much, I think I'm going to try to finish it up tonight. I have a feeling there's going to be a HUGE plot twist soon ;)
How To Love isn't the type of book I normally would read, in fact I don't usually read contemporary/realistic fiction. If I hadn't received How To Love for review, I most likely would have skipped out on this one. I'm really glad that I didn't pass over this one because it definitely left an emotional impact on me and has opened my mind in so many ways. How To Love has definitely broadened my reading tastes and that's an impressive feat in my mind.
I want to love this one, but I have a bad feeling that it's going to disappoint me. I'm really reluctant to start it, despite the fact that I have an ARC. I really don't want to end up in a reading slump!
~26%: The alternating POV isn't the most effective tactic, but it's executed well. I keep waiting for all of the characters to meet up!
~14%: At the moment, this is surprisingly good and extremely entertaining. So far, there is only a slight touch of masochism, but it isn't enough for me to DNF.
~14%: At the moment, this is surprisingly good and extremely entertaining. So far, there is only a slight touch of masochism, but it isn't enough for me to DNF.
Read Goodreads' terrible apology!
Goodreads' apology is just a lame effort to combat all of the backfire they received last week. It doesn't feel sincere and it really hasn't solved much at all, they will still delete author-related shelves and reviews. The fact that they are sending the 21 their content back does make me happy, but it feels arbitrary. The damage has already been done and the salt has been poured onto the wound. I'm still 100% Booklikes and this announcement hasn't made me want to switch back at all.